Thursday, May 15, 2008

McCain's Hypocrisy

For the 'maverick' who bucks the Republican establishment, McCain is hardly an independent voice. His wife, Cindy, continues to flagrantly thumb her nose at releasing her tax records, claiming that she's not the candidate so her records are immaterial. Four years ago, when Democrat John Kerry's wife was castigated by the Republicans for holding back on her tax records, she finally relented. So where are the Republicans now? Curiously silent.

What does Cindy McCain's tax record have to do with the presidential race. In reality, not too much, except for the fact that John McCain is jetting around on her private plane (the Sugar-Momma Express, or as Sam Seder
has named it - Trollup One). McCain the candidate is directly benefiting from the use of a private CORPORATE jet.

In an interview by ABC last week, Mrs. McCain was quoted as saying (in that sickly sweet, soft-spoken drawl): "My husband and I have been married 28 years, and we have filed separate tax returns for 28 years." Hmmm... my question is why have they filed separate returns for all those years? What is she trying to hide? Could it be that having her HUGE income included in Mr. McCain's return would make this 'maverick' man of the people look like just another fat-cat politician?

Back when McCain was pretty much written off as a candidate for the 2008 nomination, he agreed to accept matching funds, which limits the amount of private funds a candidate can use in the campaign. He used this promise to secure additional loans for his campaign. After he began to surge in the primaries and the donor money started to roll in, he said never mind. Since he never actually collected the matching funds, he was not bound by the
promise he already made. Hmmmm... let's see, can I borrow your house to use as collateral to get a personal loan and then give it back when I get my loans? That doesn't seem legal does it? Guess what? IT'S NOT! McCain willfully broke the law to raise the cash to secure the nomination.

There's your 'maverick'. Sounds more like politics as usual to me.

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