Sunday, May 25, 2008

Crony Of the Week - 05/26/08: Tim Griffin

For those of you who still remember the US Attorney scandal from a couple years ago, here's a name you probably remember.

Tim Griffin - he's now the Republican National Committee's Director of Research (aka Mudslinging Central). He'll be heading up 'opposition research' for the McCain Campaign. So look for more Swift Boat attacks on Obama.

Let's take a closer look at Mr. Griffin's illustrious resume:
  • 1999 - 2000: Deputy Research Director for the Bush Campaign.

  • 2000: Legal adviser for the Bush-Cheney Recount Team

  • 2004: Research Director and Deputy Communications Director for the Bush Campaign, where, among his slimy work, he reported led a vote caging scheme for the Republicans.

  • 2005-2006: Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director in the Office of Political Affairs (in other words, Karl Rove's personal toadie).

  • In December of 2006, after the Bush Administration booted several US Attorneys, Mr. Griffin was named as the interim US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. It was revealed by Congressional investigations that the White House wanted the Arkansas US Attorney position vacant so they could specifically insert Griffin into it. Hmmm.... I wonder if there was any potential Democratic presidential hopeful with ties to Arkansas back in '06 who he could have dredged up some dirt on? I wonder... unfortunately for the White House, the Congressional investigation short-circuited their plans to have Griffin poke around to try to discover something untoward about the Clintons.

  • On June 1, 2007, right in the middle of Congressional investigations, Griffin resigned his US Attorney post...

    But of course, like chewing gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, he's not THAT easy to get rid of. He's back once again, to work his magic on Obama. It's going to be a long and bumpy road to November.

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